Member Application

Download the membership application form – fill in the blanks, and submit it with your payment as per the instructions on the form.


 Associate | Non-profit organization, retired professional or previous business owner (no longer operating) | $30.00 
1 to 2 employees (including owner/operators)| $85.00
3 to 5 employees (including owner/operators)| $100.00
6 to 9 employees (including owner/operators)| $175.00
10 to 20 employees (including owner/operators) | $195.00
25 + employees (including owner/operators) | $250.00

Annual Membership Rates – Due on or before March 1st of any calendar year.
Please note: If you are a new member, your dues are pro-rated from the time of admission, which takes place at the quarterly general meetings in March, June, September, and December. This means that dues paid for March admission are 100% of the total rate owing in your category, June admission is 75% of the rate; for September admission it’s 50% of the rate and for December admission is 25% of the rate. Please make your cheque or eTransfer amount fits your admission date.