March 26, 2018

Your Annapolis Board of Trade held its annual general meeting in Granville Ferry on March 15, 2018. This was the last meeting for four members of the ABoT Council.

Thank yous were extended to:
Sue Lane of Clean Annapolis River Project for the diligent job that she did for at least three terms during the last five years for the Board of Trade as Treasurer, Council member, and member of the Finance Committee. She has been a strong and consistent voice on Council and is a part of the success that the Board of Trade is today.

Suzanne Doucette of Scotiabank, for her participation as a member of Council and the Finance Committee, her support of partnership programs, and particularly the Scotiabank partnership program. Suzanne and her staff sold lottery tickets in support of ABoT fundraising efforts to support the activities of our Board of Trade.

Beth Fairn, a former Manager of the Royal Bank Annapolis Royal Branch, has served as both President and Vice-President. As President, she was responsible for overseeing the Visitor Information Centre operation. Little did she know that when she moved to the Vice-President officer position, the VIC would follow her. So this was her one chance to get away from the VIC!

Mike Fearon was the longest-serving member of the Executive. He served as Treasurer and Secretary of the Board of Trade. He holds the record for most faithful attendance, active participation, and service as parliamentarian. Mike stepped up to the plate when work needed doing and other volunteers weren’t available to take on the tasks. Over the last 10 years or so that Mike has served on Council and as a member of the Executive, the time, effort, and skill he committed to ABoT represented a large contribution.

A fifth member of Council, Nathalie Sanfaçon of Upper Clements Cottages gave up her seat for her business partner Martin-Henri Villeneuve.

Your Members of Council are:
President: Amery Boyer (individual member)
Vice-President: Martin-Henri Villeneuve (Upper Clements Cottages)
Secretary: no nominations
Treasurer: Byron Mersereau (individual member)
Wayne Smith (Annapolis Heritage Society)
Charles Stewart (Charles Stewart Electrical)
Julia Redgrave (The Wood Doorstep Gallery)
Kevin Burnell (Granville Services)
Sophie Paskins (ARCAC)
Ed Parmiter (Tripp’s Gallery)
Maureen Horne-Paul (1 Scoop 2 Scoop)

Please feel free to contact any one of us to let us know how you would like to participate in your Board of Trade activities!

Amery Boyer
Annapolis Board of Trade

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